Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Spring cleaning? Already?

I have to say I visibly shuddered when I received an email entitled Spring Clean Your Home - 3 Simple Projects. It is the middle of winter, close to zero degrees when I get up in the morning and I am struggling just to clean my house let alone spring clean, so I found this suitably depressing.

However, when I did gather up the nerve to read on I realised these three tips from Howards Storage World are pretty handy (albeit promotional) so I will pass them on to do with what you will.

Project #1       Get the laundry sorted

Speed up the process of sorting through piles of dirty clothing, bedding and other items with a 3 Divider Laundry Cart. You’ll not only save time, you’ll also maintain the condition of your much-loved pieces by giving them correct care.  Available in large or small (from $89.95).

Project #2       Kitchen clean up

Take a sustainable approach when clearing out your clutter with a recycling bin. Designed to separate recyclables from other rubbish, Howards’ Twin Pedal Bin is available in 2 x 24L or 2 x 30L from $159.00, making it easier to reduce your household’s carbon footprint.

Spring cleaning is the perfect time to sort out that space beneath your kitchen sink – and turn it into a well organised cleaning cupboard. Create more space for products and tools with an Expandable Under Sink Organiser ($49.95), which adjusts in length and fits around pipes to provide additional shelving.

Project #3       Linen cupboard bliss

Pack away quilts and blankets and maximise storage space by storing them in a Space Bag Cube Pack ($29.95). Space Bags triple storage space by deflating to a third of their original size using a vacuum cleaner.

Finally…to achieve your spring clean projects, invest in some key tools of the trade. The Howards’ Ultra Caddy ($22.95) keeps all your products with you as you move around the house, avoiding costly double ups and unnecessary trips to and from the cleaning cupboard.

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