Wednesday, August 25, 2010

National organising week

Did you know National Organising Week is being celebrated from 6-12 September? Yup, me neither! Do you think it would be wrong to celebrate by buying a new pair of shoes that I have nowhere to put?

Clearly I am far from an organising genius, so we've brought in the organisation expert from Howards Storage World, Cathy Player, to share her top tips.

The Kitchen: “Plan your space, sort your items into groups and store them appropriately.  This will not only save you time when cooking, you’ll also save money by eliminating waste,” advises Cathy.

The Bathroom: “The top two hot spots for clutter in the bathroom are the shower and the bathroom cupboard. The shower is easily fixed with a stylish new caddy. For your cupboard, pull everything out, throw away the space-robbers and establish a system of caddies to group like items together. Make sure that medicines are safely out of reach or locked away from children."

The Bedroom: “The bedroom should be a place to relax and retreat to, and creating a clutter-free haven can be easy if you use all available space. Whilst the majority of Australians cite the wardrobe as their main concern when it comes to home organisation, this can be avoided with the right storage and display solutions." 
Like me do you fall into these categories? These were the findings of a recent HSW survey.

·         30% of people felt their clutter was out of control!
·         60% of people would welcome advice and support
·         77.7% of people wish their home was more organised
·         92.73% of people said their disorganised home caused them stress
·         50% of people did not know what steps to take to get their home organised
·         63.51% of people spend over 3hrs a week putting away household clutter

So how do you deal with clutter?

1 comment:

  1. My house is filled with clutter as we prepare for renovations. I cannot wait for it to be done so I can return to my minimalist state. Or as minimalist as one can be with 3 small children!
