While our screens were once overwhelmed by the numbers of romcoms (romantic comedies) released, we are now seeing a definite new trend for a new genre – romantic action. Think Mr & Mrs Smith, Date Night, even the Get Smart remake – there has been tons of them and I have to say, I am generally a fan.
I was excited to be invited on Monday to the WA premiere of the latest romantic action (dare I say romaction?) starring Ashton Kutcher and Katherine Heigel. The movie was Killers and I have to say it wasn’t the best film in this genre that I have seen but there was definitely some value for the ladies in the audience – Ashton walking around for long periods of time with no shirt. He. Got. Buff. Wow. Almost worth the ticket admission just for that.Watch the trailer below to see a sneak preview of what I mean.
Overall though if you are looking for some light entertainment where you can completely switch off your brain then this is worth a look. If you’re not a fan of this genre to start with though – maybe wait for the DVD.
The cliff notes version of the story is that Ashton plays a CIA assassin who has become somewhat jaded with his profession so when he meets Katherine’s ditsy but beautiful character in Nice (that’s in the south of France people) they fall in love and Ashton chucks his career in for a normal life in suburbia. That is until someone puts a contract into play against Ashton and the action hits high gear.
Friday, July 30, 2010
The Perth Fashion Festival kicks off
The Perth Fashion Festival is back and to kick it off they've launched their new website at www.perthfashionfestival.com.au. I love the site this year although I am finding the events pages a little tough to read.
What I really want to know, what do all the stylish women of Perth think about the Perth Fashion Festival? It is very different from the festivals held over east and overseas and I'd love to hear what you think.
What I really want to know, what do all the stylish women of Perth think about the Perth Fashion Festival? It is very different from the festivals held over east and overseas and I'd love to hear what you think.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
The illustrated guide to chickens
In case you haven't noticed, I like to keep my readers up to date with the latest and greatest book releases but this one takes the cake.
Run, do not walk, to buy .... wait for it... The Illustrated Guide to Chickens. I am NOT KIDDING. This new release book was so important it garnered it's very own personal promotional push and made me laugh so hard I nearly fell off my wheelie office chair.
So what can you expect from this thrilling new look into the secret world of chickens? According to the promo: "This book covers the 100 most familiar chicken breeds in Europe and North America. The breed profiles are written in an engaging style that covers the history of each breed, the main characteristics, and how to look after them. Each breed is illustrated with delightful paintings by the author. The illustrations also detail comb types, feather markings, colours and other significant characteristics."
It gets better the forward of the book is written by no less than His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. Yup.
If you are one of the many thousands of people rushing out to find out more about the humble chicken this book is available from www.allenandunwin.com and is $23.99. Love it!
Run, do not walk, to buy .... wait for it... The Illustrated Guide to Chickens. I am NOT KIDDING. This new release book was so important it garnered it's very own personal promotional push and made me laugh so hard I nearly fell off my wheelie office chair.
So what can you expect from this thrilling new look into the secret world of chickens? According to the promo: "This book covers the 100 most familiar chicken breeds in Europe and North America. The breed profiles are written in an engaging style that covers the history of each breed, the main characteristics, and how to look after them. Each breed is illustrated with delightful paintings by the author. The illustrations also detail comb types, feather markings, colours and other significant characteristics."
It gets better the forward of the book is written by no less than His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. Yup.
If you are one of the many thousands of people rushing out to find out more about the humble chicken this book is available from www.allenandunwin.com and is $23.99. Love it!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Cook a roast while camping - seriously!
I have to admit when I first saw this picture, I thought it was some kind of new cutting edge turntable for the ‘unce unce’ generation (oh my lord, did I really say that - now I feel so very old).
In actual fact, this is the latesttoy gadget for gourmets everywhere. It seems after being spoiled by months of MasterChef, Australian’s are no longer content with a billy, a camp oven or even the old barbeque and instead want all the comfort of home whenever they travel.
As a result Omega have released this new portable induction cooktop, which will have you whipping up a stir fry for the whole family – even if you’re in the middle of the Nullaboor.
If that's not enough you could invest in a ‘mini kitchen’, which is a multifunctional oven/grill/microwave in which you can successfully roast a chicken. Seriously – haven’t you always wanted to roast a chicken while camping? I wouldn’t know, my idea of roughing it is a hotel room without a spa bath.
If these new products have you running for the nearest electrical retailer - than here are the key details. The hot plate retails for $149 and the Mini Kitchen for $449. Stockist details are available at www.omegaappliances.com.au or by calling 9478 0466.
In actual fact, this is the latest
As a result Omega have released this new portable induction cooktop, which will have you whipping up a stir fry for the whole family – even if you’re in the middle of the Nullaboor.
If that's not enough you could invest in a ‘mini kitchen’, which is a multifunctional oven/grill/microwave in which you can successfully roast a chicken. Seriously – haven’t you always wanted to roast a chicken while camping? I wouldn’t know, my idea of roughing it is a hotel room without a spa bath.
If these new products have you running for the nearest electrical retailer - than here are the key details. The hot plate retails for $149 and the Mini Kitchen for $449. Stockist details are available at www.omegaappliances.com.au or by calling 9478 0466.
The best place to get a coffee
It seemed quite timely that consumer body CHOICE has just completed a study into the best chain stores for coffee in Australia. To cut to the chase when it came to beans Michel's Patisserie came out trumps while beans from Starbucks and Gloria Jeans received the lowest scores. You can view the full article from CHOICE at www.choice.com.au/coffeechain.
Interesting fact: A four-year study of Melbourne coffee drinkers showed chain outlets are preferred by
What do you think? Are you one of those people who can't get through the day without an intravenous drip of coffee or like me do you see a remarkable similarity between drinking coffee and hot water with dirt?
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Q&A director screening in Nedlands
The screenwriter of a film about love, loss and betrayal, Nadia Tass, will be in Perth to discuss her latest film Matching Jack on Sunday 22 August at Windsor Cinema in Nedlands.
Following the screening at 3pm, Nadia will take part in a special Q&A forum in the cinema. Matching Jack is the story of a woman who discovers that her child is seriously ill and her husband has been unfaithful for years. Marisa goes on a bizarre search in attempt to turn her husband’s serial affairs into a positive - an illegitimate child could save her son’s life.
Directing her first feature film, Malcolm in 1986, Nadia has gone on to be an influential and prominent name in Australian cinema with films including Rikky and Pete, The Big Steal, Mr Reliable and Amy which received 23 international awards. As well as working in Australia cinema, Nadia has also directed a wealth of US films including Pure Luck and features for Disney.
Tickets for the special Q&A screening are available now from the cinema or www.lunapalace.com.au. $15.50 adult, $11.00 concession.
Following the screening at 3pm, Nadia will take part in a special Q&A forum in the cinema. Matching Jack is the story of a woman who discovers that her child is seriously ill and her husband has been unfaithful for years. Marisa goes on a bizarre search in attempt to turn her husband’s serial affairs into a positive - an illegitimate child could save her son’s life.
Directing her first feature film, Malcolm in 1986, Nadia has gone on to be an influential and prominent name in Australian cinema with films including Rikky and Pete, The Big Steal, Mr Reliable and Amy which received 23 international awards. As well as working in Australia cinema, Nadia has also directed a wealth of US films including Pure Luck and features for Disney.
Tickets for the special Q&A screening are available now from the cinema or www.lunapalace.com.au. $15.50 adult, $11.00 concession.
Congratulations Tinker Bell winners!
Congratulations to Seraphim, Karen, Sam and Peti-Maree for winning family passes to see the new Tinker Bell film this weekend. Please forward your name and postal address to wastyle@live.com so your tickets can be posted to you!
Monday, July 26, 2010
I'm reading: Air Kisses by Zoe Foster
There's nothing quite like getting a new book and even more so if you had to order it online and wait patiently for it to be delivered but hazaah!! today is the day and my copy of Air Kisses
by Zoë Foster has just arrived.
I am sure you've already got the message by now that I amobsessed stalker-like fascinated really interested in the work of some of Australia's high profile magazine personalities so if anything it's more of a surprise that I haven't bought this book earlier.
For those of you who haven't heard of Zoë Foster, she was a beauty and lfestyle editor at Cosmo before she took on the role of beauty director at Harper’s BAZAAR. She was also the author of beauty blog bible fruitybeauty and is now the editor-at-large of primped.com.au. She also writes fiction in her spare time (who really has that much spare time?!?!) and this is her first book.
I am sure you've already got the message by now that I am
For those of you who haven't heard of Zoë Foster, she was a beauty and lfestyle editor at Cosmo before she took on the role of beauty director at Harper’s BAZAAR. She was also the author of beauty blog bible fruitybeauty and is now the editor-at-large of primped.com.au. She also writes fiction in her spare time (who really has that much spare time?!?!) and this is her first book.
When art goes mad
This stunning bovine (aptly named Miss Beau Vine) just raised $8,750 at the CowParade Charity Auction. I have to ask, where would you keep her?
As much as I support charity events of any kind, I can't imagine finding space for this particular piece of art in my living room.
As much as I support charity events of any kind, I can't imagine finding space for this particular piece of art in my living room.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Win tickets to the Tinker Bell movie
Attention to all of WA’s stylish mums! If you’d like to take the family to see a special sneak preview of Disney’s Tinker Bell and the Great Fairy Rescue all you need to do is comment on this post and tell us why you deserve to win.
Make sure you comment before 5pm (WST) on Monday July 26 for your chance to win one of five passes, each valid for four people to attend the special preview screening at Event Cinemas Innaloo (formerly Greater Union) in WA on Sunday August 1. The winners will be announced here on Tuesday.
Make sure you comment before 5pm (WST) on Monday July 26 for your chance to win one of five passes, each valid for four people to attend the special preview screening at Event Cinemas Innaloo (formerly Greater Union) in WA on Sunday August 1. The winners will be announced here on Tuesday.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
My first experience of Bikram Yoga
When a friend invited me to try a Bikram Yoga class last Saturday, I have to admit I was really nervous. For those of you who don’t know anything about Bikram Yoga it is basically a 90-minute yoga class which takes place in a room heated continuously to 40 degrees.
As someone who hides inside on the couch with the aircon full blast when the temperature hits 35, it was a big mental challenge. I have to admit there were times I thought I was going to die, where I had to fight the overwhelming urge to run screaming from the room in to the now welcoming winter air, but I persevered.
So what was it like? It was hot. It was very very hot. I don’t sweat when I exercise, but I think their estimates that you lose around 1.5 litres per class is about right. I actually had sweat drip of my forehead mid-pose (sorry maybe too much sharing). Not to mention the fact I spent a good portion of the day in the bathroom after attempting to drink the three litres of water recommended before undertaking a class (definitely too much sharing).
After what seemed like hours, but was most likely only 30 minutes, I started feeling light headed and had to sit out for a few poses. I actually think my decision to sit out for five was a welcome one to others as several people followed by lead. I struggled to get back to my feet as I felt I was light-headed but soon the class moved to poses that were mainly in a seated or lying down position and this helped get me back in the game.
I found a lot of the poses very difficult to achieve, but the way the class was run everyone was encouraged to try as best they could and do what they could. I found that really positive and I didn’t feel anyone was pushed beyond their own abilities.
So did I enjoy it? I have to say no, that while I was doing it I didn’t enjoy it but I did find the benefits noticeable. I was able to stretch far further than I could normally and I felt I had a challenging workout – both physically and mentally. I have never been a sweaty person, but I have to confess it was pouring off me within minutes (By the way I chose a picture of what I think everyone looks like after the class instead of a glam yoga pic).
So would I do it again? Tentatively I am saying yes, I think I will give it another go this weekend. Although I found the class a mental challenge, I had the best nights sleep of my life afterwards and I have found myself feeling calmer and more relaxed since. These are very good things for me.
I will keep you posted of the experiences after class two. They say it gets easier each time, so keep your fingers crossed for me!
Share your experiences with Bikram Yoga Perth. Did you love it or hate it or like me are you somewhere on the fence?
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Men don't understand postnatal depression
Post-natal depression, like most forms of depression, is a topic few people talk about. Beyondblue the national depression initiative has discovered men actually know very little about Postnatal Depression (PND).
According to the new study, fifty per cent of men believe women get postnatal depression because they have unrealistic expectations of motherhood and 25 per cent of men believe having PND is a normal part of having a baby. A whopping 28 per cent of men think that PND will go away as the baby gets older compared to 17 per cent of women.
Likewise 24 per cent of men believe that looking after a baby comes naturally to women, while only 14 per cent of women thought this was true.
Deputy CEO of beyondblue Dr Nicole Highet says the recent research indicates men need more information about mental illness during pregnancy and after the birth of the baby – especially ante- and postnatal depression and anxiety.
Depression and anxiety are not a ‘normal’ part of parenthood, they are illnesses – but with the right treatment, most people recover.
To help address this issue beyond blue and Ngala have launched a booklet HeyDad – Fatherhood – first 12 months, aimed at increasing awareness around issues new parents are likely to face.
“This booklet will get critical information to new dads during this important stage of their lives – the advice and practical tips are invaluable. New parents often get used to the symptoms and signs of depression and anxiety - such as lack of sleep, irritability and the inability to cope – and too often it’s put down to the ‘baby blues’ and treated as if it’s a normal part of parenthood,” Nicole says.
Ngala CEO Rae Walter adds: “The whole family is affected when one member of the family has depression or anxiety. Ngala encourages parents to seek support and work as a team to minimise the impact on their children.
“Early brain development, changes in relationships, the importance of attachment, play, sleep and breastfeeding are all issues that fathers may not have explored before the birth and this booklet provides a ‘toolkit’ to help new families manage change.”
Find out more about the booklet here.
It really worries me that there has been two major studies released this week showing how widespread and misunderstood depression and mental illness can be. Have you experienced a mental illness in your life and if so how did you deal with it?
According to the new study, fifty per cent of men believe women get postnatal depression because they have unrealistic expectations of motherhood and 25 per cent of men believe having PND is a normal part of having a baby. A whopping 28 per cent of men think that PND will go away as the baby gets older compared to 17 per cent of women.
Likewise 24 per cent of men believe that looking after a baby comes naturally to women, while only 14 per cent of women thought this was true.
Deputy CEO of beyondblue Dr Nicole Highet says the recent research indicates men need more information about mental illness during pregnancy and after the birth of the baby – especially ante- and postnatal depression and anxiety.
Depression and anxiety are not a ‘normal’ part of parenthood, they are illnesses – but with the right treatment, most people recover.
To help address this issue beyond blue and Ngala have launched a booklet HeyDad – Fatherhood – first 12 months, aimed at increasing awareness around issues new parents are likely to face.
“This booklet will get critical information to new dads during this important stage of their lives – the advice and practical tips are invaluable. New parents often get used to the symptoms and signs of depression and anxiety - such as lack of sleep, irritability and the inability to cope – and too often it’s put down to the ‘baby blues’ and treated as if it’s a normal part of parenthood,” Nicole says.
Ngala CEO Rae Walter adds: “The whole family is affected when one member of the family has depression or anxiety. Ngala encourages parents to seek support and work as a team to minimise the impact on their children.
“Early brain development, changes in relationships, the importance of attachment, play, sleep and breastfeeding are all issues that fathers may not have explored before the birth and this booklet provides a ‘toolkit’ to help new families manage change.”
Find out more about the booklet here.
It really worries me that there has been two major studies released this week showing how widespread and misunderstood depression and mental illness can be. Have you experienced a mental illness in your life and if so how did you deal with it?
Get your bronze on
If you’re like me and the sun does nothing but turn your skin into sunburn, you can’t go past a good bronzer. On August 8 Elizabeth Arden are releasing a new range including a mineral bronzer called Pure Finish Mineral Bronzing Powder.
It is available in medium and (for a limited time) deep and includes a mini folding kabuki brush that fits into the compact. 7.7g $68.00
It is available in medium and (for a limited time) deep and includes a mini folding kabuki brush that fits into the compact. 7.7g $68.00
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Winifred & Bance turns three
Inglewood vintage purveyors Winifred & Bance are celebrating their third birthday. The business was first launched in 2007, when vintage lover Delilah Carter decided to share her passion with the stylish residents of Perth.
If you love the feminine silhouettes of the 1950s, have a penchant for the drama and glamour of the 1980s or are passionate about 1990s grunge, you have to check out Winifred & Bance.
To celebrate their birthday the store at 850 Beaufort Street, Inglewood will be having a birthday sale from next Tuesday (July 27) until Saturday, July 31 with up to 50% off some items. www.winifredandbance.com
If you love the feminine silhouettes of the 1950s, have a penchant for the drama and glamour of the 1980s or are passionate about 1990s grunge, you have to check out Winifred & Bance.
To celebrate their birthday the store at 850 Beaufort Street, Inglewood will be having a birthday sale from next Tuesday (July 27) until Saturday, July 31 with up to 50% off some items. www.winifredandbance.com
92.9 announces radio telethon
We are all familiar with the annual telethon that takes over the TV for one weekend every year, but now it’s taking to airways with a new partnership between 92.9 and Telethon.
The breakfast team will be choosing a vital piece of equipment that PMH needs and encouraging listeners to help raise the funds. Once the funds have been raised a new piece of equipment will be selected and the process will begin again.
Telethon General Manager Steve Mummery says he is excited about the project. “To have Lisa, Baz, Sam and in fact the entire team who work at 92.9 behind this project says so much about their commitment to being part of the Perth community.”
Austereo General Manager Linda Wayman said: “This is an important and unique project for the 92.9 team and we know our listeners will embrace the opportunity to be a part of the Kids Appeal.”
If you want to make a donation you can call the Kids Appeal Team Phone Room on 9382 0192 or go online at www.929.com.au.
The breakfast team will be choosing a vital piece of equipment that PMH needs and encouraging listeners to help raise the funds. Once the funds have been raised a new piece of equipment will be selected and the process will begin again.
Telethon General Manager Steve Mummery says he is excited about the project. “To have Lisa, Baz, Sam and in fact the entire team who work at 92.9 behind this project says so much about their commitment to being part of the Perth community.”
Austereo General Manager Linda Wayman said: “This is an important and unique project for the 92.9 team and we know our listeners will embrace the opportunity to be a part of the Kids Appeal.”
If you want to make a donation you can call the Kids Appeal Team Phone Room on 9382 0192 or go online at www.929.com.au.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Frightening figures on mental disorders
One in four young Australians aged 16–24 years had a mental disorder in 2007, according to figures released today by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. I find these statistics terrifying, particularly in regards to the lack of help sought for these conditions.
Anxiety disorders are the most common, affecting 15% of young people, with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder the most commonly experienced anxiety disorder (8%). Substance use disorders affected 13% of young people with harmful use of alcohol the most common substance use disorder (9%).
Around 6% of young people had an affective disorder with bipolar affective disorder and depression (3% each) the most common affective disorders.
Almost one-third of young women had a mental health disorder compared with around one-quarter of young men. Young women were more likely to have anxiety or affective disorders while substance use disorders were more common among young men.
Young people with a mental disorder were more than five times as likely as those without mental disorders to use illicit drugs or misuse legal drugs; twice as likely to be current smokers and around 1.5 times more likely to drink alcohol at least weekly.
Around 17% of young people with a mental disorder had a severe level of impairment, with the remainder having a mild or moderate level of impairment.
While the prevalence of mental illness is relatively high in young people, they have a relatively low use of mental health services. Just less than a quarter of young people with a mental disorder had used mental health services in the previous year. General practitioners were the service most frequently accessed by young people with a mental disorder (15%) followed by psychologists (10%).
Of young people that did not access services, most (85%) did not feel that they had a need for any type of assistance.Young people with a Substance Use Disorder were the least likely to use mental health services.
I'm at a loss here, what do you say to statistics like these? If you or your loved one suffers from a mental disorder - don't be too afraid to seek help. There are people who can help from your GP to a range of dedicated mental health practitioners. www.beyondblue.org.au
Anxiety disorders are the most common, affecting 15% of young people, with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder the most commonly experienced anxiety disorder (8%). Substance use disorders affected 13% of young people with harmful use of alcohol the most common substance use disorder (9%).
Around 6% of young people had an affective disorder with bipolar affective disorder and depression (3% each) the most common affective disorders.
Almost one-third of young women had a mental health disorder compared with around one-quarter of young men. Young women were more likely to have anxiety or affective disorders while substance use disorders were more common among young men.
Young people with a mental disorder were more than five times as likely as those without mental disorders to use illicit drugs or misuse legal drugs; twice as likely to be current smokers and around 1.5 times more likely to drink alcohol at least weekly.
Around 17% of young people with a mental disorder had a severe level of impairment, with the remainder having a mild or moderate level of impairment.
While the prevalence of mental illness is relatively high in young people, they have a relatively low use of mental health services. Just less than a quarter of young people with a mental disorder had used mental health services in the previous year. General practitioners were the service most frequently accessed by young people with a mental disorder (15%) followed by psychologists (10%).
Of young people that did not access services, most (85%) did not feel that they had a need for any type of assistance.Young people with a Substance Use Disorder were the least likely to use mental health services.
I'm at a loss here, what do you say to statistics like these? If you or your loved one suffers from a mental disorder - don't be too afraid to seek help. There are people who can help from your GP to a range of dedicated mental health practitioners. www.beyondblue.org.au
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Celebrating 100 posts of WA Style
Although this is technically the 101st post, I wanted to take this moment to celebrate reaching this pivotal first milestone. I hope you have been enjoying WA Style and will keep sticking with us for the next 100 posts and beyond. If you like the site, I hope you will show your support by becoming a follower by clicking on the icon on the right hand side of the page and by commenting on the articles. Don't forget to tell all your friends about us as well!
fashion and beauty,
health and fitness,
house and garden,
relationships and family,
Friday, July 16, 2010
I choo choo choose you!
After my post on Saturday about Net-a-porter I confess I went a bit nuts myself with their sale and I thought I'd share a few of my purchases with you. I have to say I was impressed that after ordering Saturday night everything arrived safe and sound (and beautifully packaged) yesterday. Not bad for shipping from London to Perth! Now I just have to find somewhere to wear them...
Upcoming release: The Last Airbender
I saw a trailer the other day for upcoming movie The Last Airbender and I had to wonder, why I haven’t heard a lot more about this film? The fact it is coming to us from M. Night Shyamalan, is almost enough in itself to normally guarantee a barrage of press.
Due to release in Perth September 16, this film does look like a bit of a deviation from M.Night’s usual scary topics but it is still firmly bedded in the supernatural. The movie is set in a world where nations are divided into air, water, earth and fire and the denizens are able to manipulate these elements to their own needs. When a war breaks out one young man, Aang, discovers he is the last person left who can manipulate all the elements and sets out to save his war-ravaged nation. Check out the trailer posted above.
This does seem like a very different film for M.Night so I am reserving my opinion until I see it. What do you think of the trailer. Hit or miss?
Bananas slimming friend or fattening foe?
Did bananas in pyjamas lull us all into a false sense of security as children? Are bananas actually contributing to the battle of the bulge or are they as healthy as the industry would have us believe?
I have seen the banana get a bad wrap in a lot of health magazines of late and it seems a lot of us are confused as to whether bananas are good or bad for us, so I did a little investigation.
According to www.calorieking.com.au - my go to source to check out the good and bad of my food choices – a medium sized banana (170g with the skin on) has 99 calories and contains just .1g of total fat. However, it also contains 21.8 grams of carbohydrates. On the plus side it contains 12% of a recommended daily intake of dietary fibre.
So what does this mean? In comparison a medium sized orange (230g with the skin on) has just 68 calories, contains .2g of fat and 13g of carbohydrates with 16% RDI of dietary fibre. A 170g apple has 83 calories, contains 0 fat and 18g of carbohydrates with 16% RDI of dietary fibre.
So really the outcome is if you are on a strict calorie or carbohydrate controlled diet an apple or orange is better than a banana, but despite its creamy texture bananas really aren’t the source of all evil. Interesting though they actually do have about the same number of calories as a Tim Tam – although naturally the Tim Tam has 25 times the amount of fat… a shame really.
On behalf of the Australian Banana Industry accredited nutritionist Glenn Cardwell says: “Bananas don’t make you fat. In fact, bananas contain virtually no fat. They contain protein, and are packed with a variety of other nutrients including carbohydrate for energy, fibre, vitamin C, and the wonderful B group vitamins such as folate and vitamin B6.
“A ripe banana will have some fruit sugar, but it comes with plenty of fibre and essential nutrients. The sugar in fruit is not unhealthy or fattening because fruit, especially bananas, are one of the most filling foods you can eat.
“Sugar needs to be kept in perspective. Sugar, in sensible amounts, is not bad; it’s an energy source. Many processed foods can be singled out as not good for you because they contain high levels of sugar. But for most people, having small amounts of sugar is not harmful, and naturally occurring sugar in fruit is part of a nutritious diet.”
So that’s that then. No need to shield your children’s eyes from the horror of bananas dancing around in their nightwear. Like most things, bananas are healthy in moderation.
I have seen the banana get a bad wrap in a lot of health magazines of late and it seems a lot of us are confused as to whether bananas are good or bad for us, so I did a little investigation.
According to www.calorieking.com.au - my go to source to check out the good and bad of my food choices – a medium sized banana (170g with the skin on) has 99 calories and contains just .1g of total fat. However, it also contains 21.8 grams of carbohydrates. On the plus side it contains 12% of a recommended daily intake of dietary fibre.
So what does this mean? In comparison a medium sized orange (230g with the skin on) has just 68 calories, contains .2g of fat and 13g of carbohydrates with 16% RDI of dietary fibre. A 170g apple has 83 calories, contains 0 fat and 18g of carbohydrates with 16% RDI of dietary fibre.
So really the outcome is if you are on a strict calorie or carbohydrate controlled diet an apple or orange is better than a banana, but despite its creamy texture bananas really aren’t the source of all evil. Interesting though they actually do have about the same number of calories as a Tim Tam – although naturally the Tim Tam has 25 times the amount of fat… a shame really.
On behalf of the Australian Banana Industry accredited nutritionist Glenn Cardwell says: “Bananas don’t make you fat. In fact, bananas contain virtually no fat. They contain protein, and are packed with a variety of other nutrients including carbohydrate for energy, fibre, vitamin C, and the wonderful B group vitamins such as folate and vitamin B6.
“A ripe banana will have some fruit sugar, but it comes with plenty of fibre and essential nutrients. The sugar in fruit is not unhealthy or fattening because fruit, especially bananas, are one of the most filling foods you can eat.
“Sugar needs to be kept in perspective. Sugar, in sensible amounts, is not bad; it’s an energy source. Many processed foods can be singled out as not good for you because they contain high levels of sugar. But for most people, having small amounts of sugar is not harmful, and naturally occurring sugar in fruit is part of a nutritious diet.”
So that’s that then. No need to shield your children’s eyes from the horror of bananas dancing around in their nightwear. Like most things, bananas are healthy in moderation.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Breaking news: Zara heads down under
Next year Zara will be hitting our shores and I am keeping my fingers, toes and knees crossed that a store will hit Perth as part of that first rollout.
In case you've never been lucky enough to head to Europe and experience Zara yourself, it is essentially the shop packed with all the latest on trend fashions and must have staple pieces but much, much cheaper.
The funny thing is I came across this glorious news when reading mainstream media articles about Zara being set to 'murder' Australian fashion. Really? Since when is the chance to buy reasonably priced good quality black pants the death of Aussie business? I can't see it myself, I think a bit of healthy competition and a bit more variety on the shopping front can only be a good thing. Read more about the 'death' of Aussie fashion here.
What do you think? Do you think the opening of Zara is the best news you've heard all year or is it the end of Australian fashion as we know it. Comment away people, don't be shy!
* Image from zara.com
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Big high five for toys for sick kids
I wish I had known about this fantastic project when they were still accepting donations, but at least I can give these guys a good pat on the back for their success now. Children at Princess Margaret Hospital will think Christmas has come early on Friday when Hoyts and ToyBox International give them a huge delivery of brand new toys.
Spending most of their time in hospital means that days can get monotonous and tiresome for kids at PMH, many of whom can’t leave their beds to visit activity rooms. To brighten their days, West Australians showed just how generous they are and donated more than 300 toys to the Appeal that ran from June 7 – July 11.
I am not quite sure about the method of presentation though. Renae Wauhop and Lia Tapper, who placed second and third in the Miss Universe Australia Crowning Ceremony in Sydney last month, will be the ones delivering the toys. Is this meant to be an extra gift for all the young lads coped up in hospital? Sorry, shouldn’t knock anything to do with giving toys to sick kids. As Renae herself says: “These kids spend most of their time in hospital, so if we can put a smile on their faces with some brand new toys, it makes a world of difference.”
Spending most of their time in hospital means that days can get monotonous and tiresome for kids at PMH, many of whom can’t leave their beds to visit activity rooms. To brighten their days, West Australians showed just how generous they are and donated more than 300 toys to the Appeal that ran from June 7 – July 11.
I am not quite sure about the method of presentation though. Renae Wauhop and Lia Tapper, who placed second and third in the Miss Universe Australia Crowning Ceremony in Sydney last month, will be the ones delivering the toys. Is this meant to be an extra gift for all the young lads coped up in hospital? Sorry, shouldn’t knock anything to do with giving toys to sick kids. As Renae herself says: “These kids spend most of their time in hospital, so if we can put a smile on their faces with some brand new toys, it makes a world of difference.”
Love at first bite
On Amazon Twilight fans can now buy Love at First Bite
an 'unofficial' Twilight cookbook. I am not quite sure what to say about this one... don't they know vampires don't eat?
Here's the blurb from Amazon: "Brimming with mouthwatering recipes, brace yourselves, and bring your very best table manners, and appetites. Don't forget your forks. Beautiful Bella Swan will be serving up some scrumptious delights to satisfy even the pickiest, puritan "vegetarian" vampires.
"Intertwined in the pages of Love At First Bite, The Unofficial Twilight Cookbook, you will find Bell's Lasagna, Harry's Famous Fish Fry, Mushroom Raviolis, Red Velvet Cake, Blushing Bella Punch, and much more."
Oh dear. It's even been written by Gina 'Meyers'. It seems this book has definitely found a market though as Amazon is now showing this item as sold out. If you do want to order you can do so here
or here
. What do you think - has this taken the Twilight craze just a little bit too far?
Here's the blurb from Amazon: "Brimming with mouthwatering recipes, brace yourselves, and bring your very best table manners, and appetites. Don't forget your forks. Beautiful Bella Swan will be serving up some scrumptious delights to satisfy even the pickiest, puritan "vegetarian" vampires.
"Intertwined in the pages of Love At First Bite, The Unofficial Twilight Cookbook, you will find Bell's Lasagna, Harry's Famous Fish Fry, Mushroom Raviolis, Red Velvet Cake, Blushing Bella Punch, and much more."
Oh dear. It's even been written by Gina 'Meyers'. It seems this book has definitely found a market though as Amazon is now showing this item as sold out. If you do want to order you can do so here
Paula Joye launches Life Styled
If like me you’re a bit of a glossy addict, I won’t have to tell you who Paula Joye is and I won’t have to tell you twice to check out her new website.
For the rest of you (shame) Paula Joye has been a significant name in the glossy magazine market with ACP for around the last 15 years. Most recently the editor of national women’s title Madison, Paula has now left ACP and gone out on her own with online offering Life Styled. I think it is a given that ex-magazine editors (myself included) can't just give up working on magazines even if we no longer have one to work on...
It is still in its very early days, but her newsletters are well worth a look. I have received about three so far and each has been full of great fashion and beauty news as well as tips and advice from her years as an editor and beauty editor as well as tips from celebrities, models, fashionistas, stylists and make-up gurus she has met along the way.
At the moment it is just the regular newsletter, but Paula assures readers in her latest update there will be a website up and running soon. If you haven’t already, head to www.lifestyled.com.au to sign up, it's worth the effort.
For the rest of you (shame) Paula Joye has been a significant name in the glossy magazine market with ACP for around the last 15 years. Most recently the editor of national women’s title Madison, Paula has now left ACP and gone out on her own with online offering Life Styled. I think it is a given that ex-magazine editors (myself included) can't just give up working on magazines even if we no longer have one to work on...
It is still in its very early days, but her newsletters are well worth a look. I have received about three so far and each has been full of great fashion and beauty news as well as tips and advice from her years as an editor and beauty editor as well as tips from celebrities, models, fashionistas, stylists and make-up gurus she has met along the way.
At the moment it is just the regular newsletter, but Paula assures readers in her latest update there will be a website up and running soon. If you haven’t already, head to www.lifestyled.com.au to sign up, it's worth the effort.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
A six-figure publishing deal at 18
I've always loved writing about a good success story and there's no doubt 18-year-old Melbourne-based author Alexandra Adornetto qualifies. With the release of her new book Halo, she has secured a lucrative three book deal in the US, sold the rights to her book in over 15 European countries, and is set to begin a national book tour of America in September.
Did I mention she's just 18? Alexandra first came to public attention at the ripe old age of 15 when her first book, The Shadow Thief
, was published. Did I mention this was a book she wrote when she was 13? This is now Alexandra's fourth published novel and she has two more in the works to follow up Halo.
Here's a bit from Alexandra about her incredible experiences:
"Before I went to New York to meet with publishers, I was constantly reminded of how difficult it is to get published in the USA, so I wasn’t sure what to expect. My agent called my hotel the morning after our meeting and told me that Feiwel and Friends were offering a national publicity campaign and a national tour, which is rare for unestablished authors.
"I was so grateful that they saw enough potential in Halo to organise something like that. It still hasn’t sunk in that I’m travelling all around America in a couple of months.
"The idea for Halo came about quite suddenly. I hadn’t intended to move into YA [young adult fiction] and was working on a science-fiction novel for younger readers when I had this idea about a novel written in the voice of an angel adjusting to life on earth. I thought it would be interesting to have the heroine as the supernatural creature and the male protagonist as the human boy in contrast to the current trend. I ran the idea past my publisher, Lisa Berryman, thinking she would dismiss it entirely. I was very surprised when an email popped up in my inbox that read: “Drop everything! We’re running with this idea!”
"After that, I became totally engrossed in the Halo project. I enjoy writing for readers my own age and Halo was the perfect transition. In Halo I was able to include all the emotions and experiences that come with being an adolescent and a lot of the conversations and the relationships are based on my own real-life experiences.
"Right now, I am putting my energies into next two installments in the series, Hades and Heaven, so readers are not disappointed."
Although so thrilled for Alexandra for her incredible success I have to admit, I am jealous. Yup, I am. What do you think? Have you ever met an 18-year-old who has inspired you with their success?
Did I mention she's just 18? Alexandra first came to public attention at the ripe old age of 15 when her first book, The Shadow Thief
Here's a bit from Alexandra about her incredible experiences:
"Before I went to New York to meet with publishers, I was constantly reminded of how difficult it is to get published in the USA, so I wasn’t sure what to expect. My agent called my hotel the morning after our meeting and told me that Feiwel and Friends were offering a national publicity campaign and a national tour, which is rare for unestablished authors.
"I was so grateful that they saw enough potential in Halo to organise something like that. It still hasn’t sunk in that I’m travelling all around America in a couple of months.
"The idea for Halo came about quite suddenly. I hadn’t intended to move into YA [young adult fiction] and was working on a science-fiction novel for younger readers when I had this idea about a novel written in the voice of an angel adjusting to life on earth. I thought it would be interesting to have the heroine as the supernatural creature and the male protagonist as the human boy in contrast to the current trend. I ran the idea past my publisher, Lisa Berryman, thinking she would dismiss it entirely. I was very surprised when an email popped up in my inbox that read: “Drop everything! We’re running with this idea!”
"After that, I became totally engrossed in the Halo project. I enjoy writing for readers my own age and Halo was the perfect transition. In Halo I was able to include all the emotions and experiences that come with being an adolescent and a lot of the conversations and the relationships are based on my own real-life experiences.
"Right now, I am putting my energies into next two installments in the series, Hades and Heaven, so readers are not disappointed."
Although so thrilled for Alexandra for her incredible success I have to admit, I am jealous. Yup, I am. What do you think? Have you ever met an 18-year-old who has inspired you with their success?
Vampire spoof movie on its way
I guess it was only a matter of tine before someone decided to take a potshot and the growing vampire phenomenon. Here is the trailer of upcoming film release Vampires Suck - think Scary Movie for the current vampire film genre.
Find out more on the website www.vampiressuckmovie.com. The movie will be releasing in Perth on August 28.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Net-a-porter turns ten
This site has certainly become a huge financial success and is this week celebrating its 10 birthday. The other reason I am choosing to mention it now is that if you haven't checked out the site before now is a great time to log on as they are having one of their fantastic sales where you can buy the latest designer gear for anywhere between 20 and about 60% off the normal price and I am talking great brands like Christian Louboutin (my personal favourite), Chloe, Jimmy Choo, DKNY, Burberry, etc.
Check out the sale here. Also watch their great 10 year anniversary video here.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Are you LinkedIn?
There are so many social networking platforms to choose from these days MySpace, Facebook, Twitter – where do you even start and how do you decide who you choose to connect with?
My latest foray into social networking is LinkedIn and I have to say I am quite captivated by the idea. I think LinkedIn is a great partner to Facebook for anyone who works in a profession.
Facebook is the site for you to connect to your friends, complain about your life and general keep in touch with people. LinkedIn is the business companion for all those of us who have business connections we want to keep active but who we don’t necessarily want to see that photo of us at a Pimps & Prostitutes fancy dress party.
LinkedIn is a great way to stay connected to people you’ve worked with throughout your career – after all who knows when they may be in a position to help you out in the future – or even clients and suppliers you have worked with. I find there are a lot of Perth people using this system, particularly in the media and PR industry.
Although you might get off to a slow start, persevere as I am finding the more I develop connections online, the more useful the site becomes. It now regularly suggests contacts I may know (quite accurately actually) and suggests a whole heap of relevant info, groups and connections for my industry.
I am yet to receive a multi-million dollar job offer from a New York fashion magazine on the strength of my online connections, but I can still live in hope. If you haven’t yet checked it out, take a look now at www.linkedin.com and get connected.
My latest foray into social networking is LinkedIn and I have to say I am quite captivated by the idea. I think LinkedIn is a great partner to Facebook for anyone who works in a profession.
Facebook is the site for you to connect to your friends, complain about your life and general keep in touch with people. LinkedIn is the business companion for all those of us who have business connections we want to keep active but who we don’t necessarily want to see that photo of us at a Pimps & Prostitutes fancy dress party.
LinkedIn is a great way to stay connected to people you’ve worked with throughout your career – after all who knows when they may be in a position to help you out in the future – or even clients and suppliers you have worked with. I find there are a lot of Perth people using this system, particularly in the media and PR industry.
Although you might get off to a slow start, persevere as I am finding the more I develop connections online, the more useful the site becomes. It now regularly suggests contacts I may know (quite accurately actually) and suggests a whole heap of relevant info, groups and connections for my industry.
I am yet to receive a multi-million dollar job offer from a New York fashion magazine on the strength of my online connections, but I can still live in hope. If you haven’t yet checked it out, take a look now at www.linkedin.com and get connected.
New eye liner for the wish list
Although I appear to have a genetic inability to apply a liquid eye liner of any sort, I still think this new gel eyeliner from ModelCo has to go onto my beauty wish list. It's gel based and comes with its own brush and it's a reasonably priced $32.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
A kimono for your feet
How adorable are these shoes? They are from a new collection from designer Amanda Fox of Dames & Divas and every pair is completely one of a kind (or is that two of a kind?). Each pair is made using organic cotton denim with vintage silk kimono fabrics from Japan.
Amanda says she likes to think of her pieces as “wearable art” and says these shoes were inspired by Japanese culture. “I’ve always had a fascination with the Japanese culture and geishas,” she says. “Each silk kimono is at least 30 years old and comes with its own history. My customers wonder about the fabric and its past life - it has a mysterious attraction.”
The collection includes a range of styles including wedges, peep toe heels, kitten heels and ballet flats and prices vary from $119.95 to $219.95. You can only buy them online at www.damesanddivas.com.au
Amanda says she likes to think of her pieces as “wearable art” and says these shoes were inspired by Japanese culture. “I’ve always had a fascination with the Japanese culture and geishas,” she says. “Each silk kimono is at least 30 years old and comes with its own history. My customers wonder about the fabric and its past life - it has a mysterious attraction.”
The collection includes a range of styles including wedges, peep toe heels, kitten heels and ballet flats and prices vary from $119.95 to $219.95. You can only buy them online at www.damesanddivas.com.au
I heart Lindsey Kelk
I occasionally enjoy the guilty pleasure of reading some mainstream chick-lit I am particularly partial to anything that involves someone who works at a magazine. I wonder why?
If you’re looking to expand your chic lit collection, check out the ‘I heart’ books by Lindsey Kelk. I bought her second book I heart Hollywood (not realising it was the second book) at an airport when I was dying for something light, easy and in English to read on the long haul flight between Milan and New York. This definitely fit the bill, it was funny, enjoyable and showed a few insights into magazine work in the US.
The ‘I heart’ series follows magazine journalist Angela Clark who moved to New York from the UK after having her heart broken. As an Australian who has visited both Los Angeles and New York, I found her outsiders perspective of these towns hilarious as I had so many similar thoughts and experiences there myself.
Lindsey’s next book I heart Paris releases in Perth on August 1. On one final note, what’s not to love about an author who is described in her bio with the line: “Lindsey likes to wear shoes, shop for shoes and judge the shoes of others.” Classic.
If you’re looking to expand your chic lit collection, check out the ‘I heart’ books by Lindsey Kelk. I bought her second book I heart Hollywood (not realising it was the second book) at an airport when I was dying for something light, easy and in English to read on the long haul flight between Milan and New York. This definitely fit the bill, it was funny, enjoyable and showed a few insights into magazine work in the US.
The ‘I heart’ series follows magazine journalist Angela Clark who moved to New York from the UK after having her heart broken. As an Australian who has visited both Los Angeles and New York, I found her outsiders perspective of these towns hilarious as I had so many similar thoughts and experiences there myself.
Lindsey’s next book I heart Paris releases in Perth on August 1. On one final note, what’s not to love about an author who is described in her bio with the line: “Lindsey likes to wear shoes, shop for shoes and judge the shoes of others.” Classic.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
How to acheive your goals
How many times have you set yourself a goal — be it to make your first million, land that longed-for promotion, lose weight or find your soul mate — only to find that a couple of months down the track you’ve lost heart and abandoned all hope of achieving it?
How do billionaire businesspeople, world-famous performers and elite athletes perform at such consistently high levels? And how can you get a piece of the action?
The new book Bullseye! by Blake Beattie aims to show you how to define success in your own terms, match your goals to these values and achieve them in an optimum timeframe.
It sounds good to me, I am always fascinated by the stories of successful people and how they achieved their goals. Blake's book also covers how to break the bad habits you thought insurmountable, override your stubborn subconscious and show you how to harness the three most critical resources you have at your disposal — time, money and energy — to map out clear and achievable steps to success.
Really time, money and energy? Hopefully he can also tell me why I never seem to have any of those three things, certainly not in enough abundance to do anything useful!
Blake Beattie is a popular consultant and speaker, and founder of International Pay it Forward Day www.payitforwardday.com.
How do billionaire businesspeople, world-famous performers and elite athletes perform at such consistently high levels? And how can you get a piece of the action?
The new book Bullseye! by Blake Beattie aims to show you how to define success in your own terms, match your goals to these values and achieve them in an optimum timeframe.
It sounds good to me, I am always fascinated by the stories of successful people and how they achieved their goals. Blake's book also covers how to break the bad habits you thought insurmountable, override your stubborn subconscious and show you how to harness the three most critical resources you have at your disposal — time, money and energy — to map out clear and achievable steps to success.
Really time, money and energy? Hopefully he can also tell me why I never seem to have any of those three things, certainly not in enough abundance to do anything useful!
Blake Beattie is a popular consultant and speaker, and founder of International Pay it Forward Day www.payitforwardday.com.
Rhino horn: part 2
Apparently Elle Macpherson has now come out and said her comments about consuming rhino horn was just 'banter'. I should have known because advocating the use of a product involving the cruel slaughter of endangered creatures is thigh-slapping funny. In case you missed it, that's sarcasm people!
Elle has confirmed she does not use rhino horn and has stated that she does not believe in promoting the use of products derived from endangered animals. Read more here.
What do you guys think? Should we give her the benefit of the doubt?
Elle has confirmed she does not use rhino horn and has stated that she does not believe in promoting the use of products derived from endangered animals. Read more here.
What do you guys think? Should we give her the benefit of the doubt?
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Shame on you Elle Macpherson!
It's not very often I get my rant on, but this is going to be one of those times. I just heard on the news that Elle Macpherson confessed in an interview with The Times Online that she uses powdered rhino horn. Yes, you read that right powdered rhino horn.
For a woman who has a reputation for being forward thinking and something of an environmental support, that is a shocking claim. Not only is the trade of rhino products illegal around the world, it is morally reprehensible to support the slaughter of an endangered animal.
I can just imagine women around the world are going to be googling like mad to find out how they can lay their hands on this product so they too can achieve - The Body.
Read more about it here. If it is true, what health benefits could Elle be getting (and scientifically no benefits have ever been proven) that would make it worth such an enormous moral price?
I do know next time I am shopping for underwear, I won't be buying anything from Elle's range - just in case. Don't stay silent on this topic, I'd like to know what our Perth readers think.
For a woman who has a reputation for being forward thinking and something of an environmental support, that is a shocking claim. Not only is the trade of rhino products illegal around the world, it is morally reprehensible to support the slaughter of an endangered animal.
I can just imagine women around the world are going to be googling like mad to find out how they can lay their hands on this product so they too can achieve - The Body.
Read more about it here. If it is true, what health benefits could Elle be getting (and scientifically no benefits have ever been proven) that would make it worth such an enormous moral price?
I do know next time I am shopping for underwear, I won't be buying anything from Elle's range - just in case. Don't stay silent on this topic, I'd like to know what our Perth readers think.
Monday, July 5, 2010
What on earth is the Dukan Diet?
Aitkens was all the craze and so was the South Beach Diet, but now it seems we’re all wanting to know about the Dukan Diet. According to Google Trends, it is one of the fatest growing web searches here in Western Australia.
It always disturbs me when a diet 'trend' begins to gain traction. People begin to climb on board the bandwagon without any clue on what the diet is or if it will suit their lifestyle or their physique. I personally feel ‘diets’ are dangerous and lead to yo-yo weight loss/gain.
I believe the key to successful weight loss and maintenance is not to follow a diet, but to find a system of healthy eating that you can live with for the rest of your life that balances your needs, your lifestyle and your goal weight. I am proud to say using this method I (slowly) lost 12 kilos.
The Dukan diet first came to my attention when my husband asked me about it as several colleagues were following this system. When I was asked again just a few days later what I knew about it by a friend, I thought it was time to know more.
It turns out the Dukan diet is based on the teachings of Pierre Dukan and focuses on ‘losing weight naturally. The premise seems to be that French people don't get fat so this diet is really revealing the secrets to how French people really eat...
Here’s the skinny (sorry, bad taste) straight from www.dukandiet.co.uk - so don't hold me accountable for the grammar or spelling:
By the way, if you want it in layman's terms the first 'attack' phase has you eating only protein for the first week. The second phase means you can introduce vegetables every second day. If you manage to survive these two stages you can then start to introduce odd other items back into your diet. If you make it to the final stage you can basically eat what you like as long as you have one protein only day. Sounds impossibly challenging, expensive and needlessly complicated to me!
What do you guys think? Are you an advocate of the Dukan Diet? Is there a diet you've used that worked well for you or was a complete disaster?
It always disturbs me when a diet 'trend' begins to gain traction. People begin to climb on board the bandwagon without any clue on what the diet is or if it will suit their lifestyle or their physique. I personally feel ‘diets’ are dangerous and lead to yo-yo weight loss/gain.
I believe the key to successful weight loss and maintenance is not to follow a diet, but to find a system of healthy eating that you can live with for the rest of your life that balances your needs, your lifestyle and your goal weight. I am proud to say using this method I (slowly) lost 12 kilos.
The Dukan diet first came to my attention when my husband asked me about it as several colleagues were following this system. When I was asked again just a few days later what I knew about it by a friend, I thought it was time to know more.
It turns out the Dukan diet is based on the teachings of Pierre Dukan and focuses on ‘losing weight naturally. The premise seems to be that French people don't get fat so this diet is really revealing the secrets to how French people really eat...
Here’s the skinny (sorry, bad taste) straight from www.dukandiet.co.uk - so don't hold me accountable for the grammar or spelling:
Losing weight when there is an abundance of food around you is not natural, is difficult and often unsuccessful. The Dukan method recommends losing weight naturally, with a return to the foods that founded the human species, those eaten by primitive man, the hunter-gatherers, proteins and vegetables, 100 foods including 72 from the animal world and 28 from the plant world. This offer also features the magic words: "AS MUCH AS YOU LIKE".
Slimming advice for losing weight naturally
One of the major advantages of our slimming method is its strong integrated support structure. If you follow our slimming advices to the letter, you will lose weight regularly.
A method for losing and stabilizing your weight in 4 phases
4 phases which occupy the dieter from day one so that they never again feel like abandoning the diet.
4 phases, from the strongest, most supported and effective, to the most open and stabilizing.
4 phases to be carried out successively in order to reach the ideal weight target: lose weight naturally, rapidly and stabilize for good
. 1 – A brief and headlong ATTACK phase with immediate results. During this phase, the diet is made up of 72 high-protein foods.
2 - A CRUISING phase leading to the ideal weight. During this phase, the diet alternates Pure Protein days (PP phases) and Proteins accompanied with 28 recommended Vegetables (PL phases).
3 - A CONSOLIDATION phase of 10 days per kg lost which prepares for the return to a balanced diet. Monitored freedom with a target of establishing this freshly conquered and still vulnerable ideal weight. This phase sees the gradual return of pleasurable foods with two festive meals.
4 - A definitive stabilization phase based on 3 simple, concrete, easy but non-negotiable measures. This phase is both the easiest and most essential in our slimming method because 95% of people who follow a diet put back on the weight they have lost.
By the way, if you want it in layman's terms the first 'attack' phase has you eating only protein for the first week. The second phase means you can introduce vegetables every second day. If you manage to survive these two stages you can then start to introduce odd other items back into your diet. If you make it to the final stage you can basically eat what you like as long as you have one protein only day. Sounds impossibly challenging, expensive and needlessly complicated to me!
What do you guys think? Are you an advocate of the Dukan Diet? Is there a diet you've used that worked well for you or was a complete disaster?
Toy Story 3 tops box office
Toy Story 3 delivered an outstanding box office result of $7, 405,797 for the opening weekend, making it number one at the Australian box office.
The Walt Disney Company Australia managing director John Cracknell says: “Disney – Pixar are about great storytelling and innovation and Toy Story 3’s outstanding opening weekend box office result is testament to the incredible affinity that Australian families and kids have for these characters. Toy Story 3 is a spectacular movie going experience, incorporating the latest in 3D technology and a storyline that has it destined to become another Pixar classic."
Friday, July 2, 2010
Perth welcomes its first Apple store
Each sales person can process your order where they stand from what is essentially an iPod/iPhone and send your receipt to you by email. Very clever technology.
Just be careful if you are planning to make a big purchase though, I discovered my Macbook Pro was substantially cheaper just around the corner at Dick Smith (although this special offer has now ended). I found the staff weren’t really willing to talk about price matching their competitors.
The Apple Store is located at 790 Hay Street Perth and if you go here http://www.apple.com/au/retail/perthcity/ you can even book yourself a one on one appointment or an onsite appointment.
What will they think of next?
Just when I thought every possible product had been invented along comes - wait for it - the latest in thirst-quencher technology!
The Contigo drink bottle, unlike other normal drink bottles (or reused Mt Franklin bottles like most of use), this new-fangled invention are guaranteed to be 100% leak proof and spill proof and keeps hot drinks hot for 12 hours and cold drinks cold for four. Not sure who guarantees it exactly, but it sounds exciting.
If you are keen to rush out and lay your hands on one they come in a bunch of different colours and you can find a local stockist by calling 02 8884 6000.
So what cool gadgets/products have you discovered lately?
The Contigo drink bottle, unlike other normal drink bottles (or reused Mt Franklin bottles like most of use), this new-fangled invention are guaranteed to be 100% leak proof and spill proof and keeps hot drinks hot for 12 hours and cold drinks cold for four. Not sure who guarantees it exactly, but it sounds exciting.
If you are keen to rush out and lay your hands on one they come in a bunch of different colours and you can find a local stockist by calling 02 8884 6000.
So what cool gadgets/products have you discovered lately?
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Food and wine and cooking, oh my!
If you love great food and good wine (and really who doesn’t) make sure you check out the Good, Food & Wine Show on at the Perth Convention Centre this weekend.
This is the event’s third year and there are heaps of things to do, see, buy and most importantly taste! I will be there on Sunday myself with a glass of cab sav in hand as I work my way around the 150 stalls.
And if you’re a celebrity stalker like me, you can watch live cooking demonstrations from a virtual plethora of celebrity TV chefs (if a group of crows is a murder, what’s a group of chefs a coronary?). George Calombaris, Gary Mehigan, Matt Moran, Manu Feildel, Dominique Rizzo and Tobie Puttock will all make appearances, which should excite even the most jaded reality-show lover.
It’s open Friday from 10am to 4.30pm and again for an After Dark session from 6pm-9.30pm. Or check it out Saturday between 10-6pm or Sunday 10-5pm. Adult tickets are $30, kids (6-16) $22. Children younger than five are free.
Make sure you wear your stretchy pants!
This is the event’s third year and there are heaps of things to do, see, buy and most importantly taste! I will be there on Sunday myself with a glass of cab sav in hand as I work my way around the 150 stalls.
And if you’re a celebrity stalker like me, you can watch live cooking demonstrations from a virtual plethora of celebrity TV chefs (if a group of crows is a murder, what’s a group of chefs a coronary?). George Calombaris, Gary Mehigan, Matt Moran, Manu Feildel, Dominique Rizzo and Tobie Puttock will all make appearances, which should excite even the most jaded reality-show lover.
It’s open Friday from 10am to 4.30pm and again for an After Dark session from 6pm-9.30pm. Or check it out Saturday between 10-6pm or Sunday 10-5pm. Adult tickets are $30, kids (6-16) $22. Children younger than five are free.
Make sure you wear your stretchy pants!
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