As it is still nearly a week until the film is officially released I don’t want to share all the nitty gritty details of the film and spoil it for everyone, but my biggest issue with this film was it added nothing new to the Sex & the City franchise. While the first film seemed to both wrap up seasons worth of issues and introduce a few new ones, this movie doesn’t add anything to the story lines. Oh except Samantha has menopause, Carrie is now married (we already knew that) and Charlotte is now a mum (we knew that too) and in general life is hard (great shocker!).
Yes, the movie is still fun and in the first 30 minutes there are some fantastic laugh your socks off moments, once the main storyline kicks in I found myself getting a little bored with the predictable storyline. I was really hoping that, like the first film, there be some real curveballs in here that would add a new dimension to the story and these much-loved characters - but there wasn’t.
As you can gather from the trailers, the main story is the four girls head to the Middle Eastern emirate of Abu Dhabi. Hilarity and miscommunication ensues as does cultural insensitivity and plenty of Middle Eastern stereotypes. As I have been to Dubai myself – a neighbouring Emirates – I could understand some of the challenges these women would face, like battling with a western wardrobe to ensure they were well covered up despite the heat, the different roles women play in society, the restrictions on alcohol, etc, etc. These were all touched on but I felt as the film progressed, it started to go too far and turned into exploiting every piece of cultural negativity.
All in all, I have to say this film is light entertainment. It is still definitely worth a night out with the girls (after all do you really need an excuse for that) and if you like the show, you’ll have to see the movie – just don’t expect anything like the first one.
Have you seen the film? If so I want to hear your thoughts! Did you love it or did you feel it was lacking something?
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